One of my most common goals for patients is to master irregular plural nouns like fish (not fishes), shelves (not shelfs), sheep (not sheeps), and mice (not mouses).
I always start this target with flash cards and use a least-to-most cueing hierarchy (unless the child needs a consistent level of support in which case I’ll start there and then gradually give them less). So I’ll show them the card with a single child while saying, “1 child and…” then switch to the 2 children and say, “2…” If they need help I’ll ask, “Are they childs?” If they need more help then I’ll ask, “Are they 2 childs or children?” and switch the position of the target so that I either say it first or second.
Once a patient masters the flashcards I switch to play-based activities because they’re more effective and motivating. Here are a couple of my favorite play-based activities for irregular plural nouns.
Here are some more ideas for using Toca Life World in speech and language treatment.