FREE Communication Checklist

I often get parents who are family, friends, and colleagues asking me whether their child needs speech & language treatment. I honestly can’t answer without more information. Usually before a child receives treatment the following steps are made: Rather than just tell concerned parents that I don’t know whether their child could receive speech and …

ADHD & Speech-Language Pathology

October is ADHD awareness month! I actually learned very little about ADHD’s effects on communication as a graduate student and it wasn’t until I began seeing lots of patients with ADHD that I started to wonder about the connection between the disorder and speech and langauge. Since then I’ve had the opportunity to work with …

My Favorite Regulation Tools

I love the Zones of Regulation! The curriculum has taught me so much about regulation and the tools have helped so many of my patients engage in speech and language treatment! I have colleagues who hate the Zones of Regulation because it gets confusing for kids whose teachers use the color-coded behavior charts. to be …

Themed Materials

I’ve developed a theme for each month so that I can re-use my naturalistic activities, sensory bins, prizes, & virtual SLP treatment rooms. I’m really appreciating the time it’s saving me. Here are links for each… Read More From the SLP A to Z Blog