FREE Communication Checklist

I often get parents who are family, friends, and colleagues asking me whether their child needs speech & language treatment. I honestly can’t answer without more information. Usually before a child receives treatment the following steps are made: Rather than just tell concerned parents that I don’t know whether their child could receive speech and …

Regulation Tool: Mermaid Pillows

I just love these pillow cases!  I also bought these inserts to go with them.  Every regulation tool can be used for any zone and they can have different effects on each child, but Mermaid Pillows seem to most often help kids who are in the yellow zone and feeling worried, overwhelmed, scared, or frustrated.  …

Pet-Themed Virtual Treatment Room

Here’s March’s pet-themed virtual treatment room! Visit it to see the webcams, apps, videos, and websites I’m using this month. Here’s a link to my folder of treatment virtual therapy rooms (so you can download and edit a room to make it your own). You can find my other themed virtual treatment rooms here.

Hot Cocoa Sensory Bin

For my self-care sensory bin I wanted to use the hot cocoa breaths exercise as inspiration. I had a heck of a time putting this one together. I’d planned to use chocolate-scented kinetic sand, but I couldn’t find any sold individually! So I took the chocolate-scented sand out of my sensory box for November. Then …

Zones Check-In

I love the Zones of Regulation. Through it, Michelle Garcia Winner and her colleagues incorporate all the things I’ve learned about sensory processing, emotion regulation, and self-care. I can’t recommend the Zones curriculum highly enough for all SLPs or, really, anyone working with children. I found when using the tools from this book I needed …