I’m noticing that children who were born shortly before the pandemic are taking longer to warm up to me than the 2-year-olds I’ve seen prior to “these unprecedented times”. So I’m implementing the same rules I use for children who are demonstrating signs of anxiety, such as those with selective mutism: talking is rewarded, but …
Category: “The Flexible SLP”
Using “Doggy Bags” for Articulation
I picked up this fun game as a great way to work on articulation. How the game works: The children (or the child and I) each get one of the two bags filled with plastic food. No one can look into their bag. When the first card is flipped over both participants race to find …
FREE Conversation Cocoa Slideshow
For my patients who master the conversation trains I switch to multi-timers. Once they master the multi-timers I start using this FREE conversation hot cocoa slideshow – this shows them how many turns they’re taking compared to their peer or me. I start by showing them the first slide, which has ideas for conversation on …
Irregular Past-Tense Verbs with Li’l Woodzeez, Calico Critters & Honey Bee Acres
I love using these toys for irregular past-tense verbs! I use the Li’l Woodzeez camper set (cost: $34.99) for “drove” (but you can also use the Calico Critters car for $23.99 or the Honey Bee Acres school bus for $24.99), the Li’l Woodzeez airplane (cost: $32.99) for “sat,” “read,” “ate,” “fell (asleep),” “slept,” “woke,” “stood,” …
Irregular Plurals with Honey Bee Acres, Li’l Woodzeez, & Calico Critters
My patients love my Li’l Woodzeez, Calico Crittersm, & HOney Bee Acres sets. I originally bought the Li’l Woodzeez camper set (for $34.99) and the Li’l Woodzeez chipmunk family, which is apparently no longer available, (for $9.99) because I thought they were adorable, but I’ve since added pieces and sets to target various grammatical features. …
Regulation Tool: Hot Cocoa Breaths
I’m loving this zones tool, which I got from here! I don’t have chocolate markers (and some of my telehealth kids don’t, either) so I just use a completely pretend version. To use this tool have a child pretend they’re holding a cup of hot cocoa. Have them first take a deep breath in through …
Somatosensory Training with Books
One of the things that helped me the most with my struggles with anxiety was somatosensory training. At its most basic, somatosensory training helps us learn to pay attention to the way emotions feel in our bodies. This then allows us to address these emotions and keep ourselves regulated throughout the day. I love Listening …
Social Inferencing with Toca Boo!
I thought this would be the perfect app since it’s Halloween-themed! Here’s my tutorial on how I’m using this app to target social inferencing (“How do these two people know each other?”).
Regulation Tool: Mermaid Pillows
I just love these pillow cases! I also bought these inserts to go with them. Every regulation tool can be used for any zone and they can have different effects on each child, but Mermaid Pillows seem to most often help kids who are in the yellow zone and feeling worried, overwhelmed, scared, or frustrated. …
Zones of Regulation Poster Companion
To continue the topic from my blog last month, once children are able to identify others’ emotions based on their facial expression they can then learn to identify their own emotions. Once they’re able to do that then they’re able to start identifying strategies to help keep their behavior “expected” by addressing their emotions as …